English Psalms Download This Psalms

Introduction to Psalms:

Total Psalms: 150;

Divided into 5 Books. (Psalms 1 to 41; 42 to 72; 73 to 89; 90 to 106 and 107 to 150).

Authors of Psalms are:

David (77) Asaph (12) Sons of Korah (10)
Hezekiah (10) Solomon (1) Moses (1)
Heman, the Ezrahite (1) Ethan, the Ezrahite (1) There are 37 “Anonymous” Psalms


David may be the author for some of these). (Ref. Dr. H.L. Willmington)

Psalm 88 is a Song for the Sons of Korah, to the Musician Heman the

Ezralite. Psalm 72 is written by David for Solomon.

‘+’ marked no authors given and ‘anonymous’

The longest Psalm is 119 with 176 verses and divided into 22 sections contains 8 verses each in a section. Each section is titled with Hebrew Alphabets.

The shortest psalm is 117 with 2 verses.

Dr. J. Vernon McGee wrote, “The key word in the Book of Psalms is Hallelujah, that is Praise the Lord. The phrase has become a Christian cliché, but it is one that should cause a swelling of great emotion in the soul. Hallelujah, praise the Lord!” (see Psalms 113 to 118)

Hebrew term “hallelu-yah” appears only in Psalms, and Greek equivalent “alleluia” is found only in Revelation 19. (Dr. Don Orthner)

The center verse of the Bible is Psalm 118 verse 8, which reads: “It is better to trust the LORD than to put trust in man.”

Following ‘Table is prepared’ to help Bible students to understand the context of each Psalm. While column 1 denotes the chapter number of Psalm, column 2 refers the Author of the Psalm; column 3 refers number of verses of that Psalm and column 4 explains the Bible book references. Numbers within (ex. 1, 119) Last column (5) refers other psalms written under the same circumstances. ‘*’ informs that more Bible book references are possible. This is only a quick reference guide to study Psalms.